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Okay, so what is a transparent layer? How does it benefit a developer?

Well, please watch the screencast (4min, 12MB) first, you will see the transparent layer in action.

To me, I wanted to make a framework that is more feature-rich than Kohana but at the same time is not intrusive. By having this transparent middle-man layer, a developer is able to seamlessly enhance the Kohana framework without altering the existing user application.

It might not be useful to everyone but what the heck, it at least is useful to one person, me. :D

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4 Responses to “”

Sidebar might be covered by comments ... consider it a feature! ;)
  1. 2

    Is Layerful open source?
    If yes, where can I find the code/project website?


  2. 3

    Yes it will be released as an open source project. It is currently under heavy development. Once it is mature enough I will release it to the public. :)

  3. 4

    And what about releasing it as open source?