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I have just pushed some updates to the Git repository.

The entire Kohana distribution is now included. The bridging class is now renamed to ‘Kbridge’.

Not all helpers and libraries will work at the moment, especially the ones that reference Kohana core classes. I am however planning to bridge the core classes and configuration files for tighter integration.

If you have any suggestions please let me know. :)

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  1. 2

    Hi, I’m just wondering why I should use Yii with a Kohana Bridge …??? Why not pure Kohana? (It’s fast, reliable and well documented.) Yii isn’t that much complete as Kohana. I hope, it will have some more features in the future. For now, I’ll stick with Kohana. BTW: I have tested Kohana’s and CodeIgniter’s speed and memory consumption by building an equivalent database driven application (CI 1.7.1 vs. Kohana 2.3.4). Surprise: Kohana is much faster than CI and uses less memory!