Posted by Fred Wu
Here are some of the posts you might be interested in from my Tumblr blog.
[jQuery] Endless Scroll Updated, Now Works with Any DOM Elements
jQuery Endless Scroll has now been updated to work with any DOM elements, not just $(document) …
[Rails] Releasing Action Throttler, A Rails Plugin for Throttling Actions
Sometimes we would want to throttle certain application actions. For instance, a user should only be allowed to send x amount of emails to other members of the site in order to reduce the spam risk …
Yesterday we have launched the new design of Creattica. It runs well during the testing and staging phase, unfortunately the server quickly became overloaded and unresponsive after the relaunch was made public …
[Rails] Use App_Config For Your Application Specific Configuration
A simple Google search will reveal that there are a number of different App_Config plugins for Rails. After comparing them side by side, I have decided to use the one by Christopher J. Bottaro …
[Rails Tip] Model Attributes Not Updating? `reset_column_information` To the Rescue!
So you were wondering why some of your model attributes weren’t updating properly? Well, it is perhaps because the db schema has changed but the changed schema has not been passed onto ActiveRecord, as is often the case in DB migration …
[jQuery Tip] Traverse/Parse HTML String
When you are getting an HTML string from an external source (e.g. from an AJAX get result) and you want to rip out a certain part of the HTML source, you need to make sure that the ‘certain part’ is not at the top level of the HTML source …
[Rails Tip] DataMapper M:M Association Bug and Workaround
It was confirmed that DataMapper is incorrectly setting table names in SQL JOINs …
[Rails Tip] DataMapper Timestamps Bug and Workaround
It has been confirmed by DataMapper’s core developer Martin Gamsjaeger (snusnu) that it is a bug …
If you are using rake spec to run the specs. Try using spec spec instead! It avoids doing some preliminary tasks and therefore is quicker to execute …
[Rails] Run Queued Tasks Using ‘delayed_job’, Now With Intervals!
If you don’t already know, ‘delayed_job’ is a database based asynchronously priority queue system extracted from Shopify …